For scholars and researchers

Call for participants to attend VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium


Vytautas Magnus University invites to participate in the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium, which will take place in 2022, October 27–29, in Kaunas live...

A Representative of the “Nuova Antidogma Musica” Union Visited VMU Music Academy


On October 10-14, the representative of the “Nuova Antidogma Musica” union (Italy), professional harpsichordist Nijolė Dorotėja Beniušytė visited Vy...

Call for debaters to speak at VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium


  To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the University of Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will host the World Lithuanian University (WLU) Sym...

VMU – Open Competition for Teaching and Research Staff Positions


Vytautas Magnus University announces an open competition for teaching and research staff positions. List of open positions. Those wishing to take part in the co...

VMU to Host VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium


  To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the University of Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will host the World Lithuanian University (WLU) Sym...

Conference. Church Relations with State and Society in Lithuania


Vytautas Magnus University Research Cluster “Church Relations with State and Society in Lithuania” is pleased to invite you to the international conference Reli...

Meeting with A. Šileika and Presentation of his Book at VMU


On May 3rd a meeting with the Lithuanian writer Antanas Šileika, who lives in Canada, took place in the library-museum of President Valdas Adamkus. At the event...

Lectures by Lithuanian Diaspora Philosopher A. Mickūnas at VMU


  In the spring semester of 2017, one of the most outstanding philosophers of the Lithuanian diaspora, professor emeritus of Ohio University (USA) Algis Mi...

Meeting with prof. A. E. Senn – a conversation about historical figures as people


US historian of Lithuanian-Swiss origin prof. Alfred Erich Senn, while visiting VMU, held a lecture “Heroes of history as people”, in which he told ...