Sessions in English


Forms of Freedom in the History of Diasporas

Dr. Andriy NAHACHEWSKYUkrainian Diasporas: Past, Present, and Possible Futures (24 min.)

What Carries the Light when Darkness Abounds? The Tradition of the University of Lithuania in Lithuania and Exile

Dr. D. K. KUZMICKAITĖ ir dr. I. STRUMICKIENĖIntroduction (5 min)
Dr. Mykolas DRUNGAVMU Re-Envisioned in the West (read by S. Kondratienė) (16 min.)
Ann SENNCarrying the Light From the Lithuanian University to Wisconsin and Back to Kaunas (28 min.)
Dr. Indrė ČUPLINSKASSt. Antanas Institute of Religious Studies (16 min.)
DISCUSSION (24 min.)

Thriving under Unpredictable Conditions

Kristina DRYŽAFinding Certainty in an Uncertain World (20 min.)
DISCUSSION (16 min.)

The podcast voiced by Alexander Hixon

Find more in Lithuanian:

Laisvė ir jos formos
Laisvės formos diasporų istorijoje
Kas neša liepsną kai aplink tamsu? Lietuvos universiteto tradicija Lietuvoje ir išeivijoje
Švietimo realybė virtualizacijos akivaizdoje
Antros simpoziumo dienos refleksija
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We are thankful to Lithuanian Foundation for supporting the podcast.