

Baltic Summer University or one hundred reasons to visit Lituania in 2018


Baltic Summer University (BSU) is a unique summer experience in Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania) that combines a collection of summer programmes d...

Science and humanities


Reasearch scholarship program


Baltic – American Freedom Foundation provides fellowships for professors and academic researchers to conduct independent or collaborative research project...

For World Lithuanians




Summer youth program “We Connect Lithuania”


Summer youth program “We Connect Lithuania” is organized by Global Lithuanian Leaders team together with The Kazickas Family Foundation. The program...

Study at VMU


Courses taught in foreign languages at Vytautas Magnus University


Vytautas Magnus University provides information about courses held in foreign languages (English, Russian, French, German, and Italian) for the international st...

Study at VMU


Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism – a master study program


Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism is an international joint-degree master study program which is co-organized by Vytautas Magnus University (VMU, Kaunas, Lit...

Study at VMU


Study in Lithuania

2018-02-20 is a non-commercial national portal for Higher Education studies in Lithuania, which is administrated by Education Exchange Support Foundati...

For scholars and researchers


Lectures by Lithuanian Diaspora Philosopher A. Mickūnas at VMU


  In the spring semester of 2017, one of the most outstanding philosophers of the Lithuanian diaspora, professor emeritus of Ohio University (USA) Algis Mi...



International Students to Do Summer Internships at VMU


On 29 June – 7 August, VMU will be organising two internship programs, LISS and SIP, which will draw in a large crowd of youths from all over the world. [&helli...



SoMu Students on Autumn Semester: “It Was an Adventure”


At the beginning of the New Year, people usually review the things they have gone through in the past and the things that are waiting for them in the future. [&...