VMU Vytautas Kavolis Interdisciplinary Professorship welcomed Martín Parselis, a guest of the Dana Gedvila Fund, who is a technology scholar, educator, and artist from Argentina of Lithuanian descent.
Parselis is a tenured professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina and Buenos Aires City University. He works in the field of Technology & Society and his interests extend to social assessment of technology, technological culture and education, and philosophy of technology.
Parselis is a researcher and professor in the Faculties of Engineering, Humanities, and Social Sciences. He is the author of the books “Dar sentido a la Técnica” (“Guiding Technological Development”) and “Tecnologías Entrañables” (“Honest Technologies”). Parselis is also a former consultant and entrepreneur in the field of technologies of public communication.
M. Parselis gave lectures at the faculties of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Informatics. On the 21 of November the lecture “The multidisciplinary experience: your degree does not determine you” was be held for VDU Academia cum laude students and other VDU community members and guests. On the 17 of November the researcher participated in the conference “Artificial intelligence and the future of education”, where he will deliver a speech on “Technological culture and education”.
Dr. M. Parselis’ teaching visit at VMU runs under the VMU Vytautas Kavolis interdisciplinary Professorship program. Professorship scholarship has been established by the Dana Gedvila Fund, which is administered by the Lithuanian Foundation. Kavolis Interdisciplinary Professorship is a cooperation program dedicated to the visits of Lithuanian diaspora lecturers at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU). It aims to strengthen both the interdisciplinary approach in the study programs and the ties with the Lithuanian diaspora academic community.