Study in Lithuania

2018-02-20 is a non-commercial national portal for Higher Education studies in Lithuania, which is administrated by Education Exchange Support Foundation. The aim of this website is to inform future students, their parents and other stakeholders about education system in Lithuania, our Higher Education institutions and their study programmes, migration procedures, admission requirements and more. is a non-commercial national portal for Higher Education studies in Lithuania, which is administrated by Education Exchange Support Foundation. The aim of this website is to inform future students, their parents and other stakeholders about education system in Lithuania, our Higher Education institutions and their study programmes, migration procedures, admission requirements and more. This website also has a section about Lithuania as a country, presenting our history, social environment, famous people and traditions.

About the project is a part of project „Internationalization of Higher Education in Lithuania“ which was initiated by Ministry of Education and Science, and is funded by European Social Fund and Government of Lithuania. This project has two main parts:

Scholarships for Lithuanian students and scientists to enable them to study and conduct research abroad;

Strengthening of Lithuanian Higher Education image and positioning in international environment. As a part of this aim, this website, „Study in Lithuania” brand concept, various promotional material (among which a video clip presenting our Higher Education in Russian and English languages) were created. A study of 5 countries was conducted in order to research the best practices of presenting Higher Education to foreigners and a strategic guide to branding of Lithuanian Higher Education was created. This project also encouraged various Lithuanian institutions, student bodies and Lithuanian communities all around the world to cooperate in order to present our Higher Education to the world.

About Education Exchange Support Foundation

Education Exchanges Support Foundation is a Lithuanian national agency responsible for implementing EU Lifelong Learning Programme. The agency was founded in 2007 and is aimed at helping Lithuanian people to take advantage of international cooperation. The Foundation offers guidance to potential applicants and provides information about various programmes and activities in the education and training area. For more information see here.