
Vytautas Magnus University invites to participate in the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium, which will take place in 2022, October 27–29, in Kaunas live and remotely.


  • Registration for debaters is open until 2022 August 16
  • Registration for live participation is open until 2022 October 23
  • Registration for participation in the Zoom platform is open until 2022 October 26



For debatersFor participants (live event)For online participants

Those wishing to participate in the plenary session debates are invited to submit speaking notes!
Registration for the debaters is open until August 16th 9 a.m. (EEST)

Role of debaters:

  • responding to the questions, given in the description of a theme;
  • responding to the speeches of the plenary session speakers (abstracts of speeches will be sent to the debaters beforehand);
  • a discussion together with plenary session speakers, other debaters and the audience.

Duration of individual speech: up to 10 min.
Total time for the discussion: 1 h.

We will inform the selected debaters by the 16th of September 

Please note: one plenary session and discussion will be held in English and there will be a synchronized translation from Lithuanian to English during other sessions. If you understand Lithuanian but are not fluent in speaking the language, please feel free to apply in English for the discussions that will be held in Lithuanian.  Discussions are open for those who speak Lithuanian and/or English.

    How do you plan to attend the symposium?
    I will attend the entire programmeI will partially attend the programmeI will only attend the session that I'm applying to

    Way of participation: although the event is planned in a hybrid way, we invite the debaters to participate live at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, choosing the Zoom platform only in case of unforeseen circumstances.

    Would you attend the discussion in-person or remotely?
    In-personRemotelyI do not know yet

    Please select a discussion in which you wish to speak (multiple selection is available):

    1. Who carries the flame when it's dark: the tradition of the University of Lithuania in Lithuania and exile (in English)
    2. The reality of education in the face of virtualisation (in Lithuanian)
    3. Thriving under unpredictable conditions (in Lithuanian)

    Descriptions of the sessions can be found on the website:

    Language of your presentation

    Please submit abstracts of your proposed speech (up to 2000 characters) according to the discussion questions of the selected plenary session in the provided field or attach a file in PDF format.

    The provided data will not be transferred to third parties and will only be used for the organizational purposes of the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium.

    Registration for live participation is open until 2022 October 23.
    Please fill the form.

    Please note: one plenary session and discussion will be held in English and there will be a synchronized translation from Lithuanian to English during other sessions.

      I will attend these days:

      I am planning to attend these cultural events:
      Exhibition „Vivat Universitas Vytauti Magni“ (in English) (October 27, 2.45 pm, K. Donelaičio st. 58)
      Rimantas Vingras' piano concert (October 28, 5 pm., V. Putvinskio st. 55)
      Vita Zaman exhibition „Second life“ (October 28, 6 pm. V. Putvinskio st. 52)

      The event is free, but those who are willing, are invited to contribute to VMU's support to the Ukrainian academic community.
      I would like to know more about suppor to the Ukrainian academic community
      [group Parama-Ukrainai]
      Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is prepared to welcome students and lecturers who are fleeing from war in Ukraine. The received funds are used for scholarships to the Ukrainians who come to study at VMU: the support covers their expenses on studies, accommodation, and settlement. If needed, these funds may also cover the students’ subsistence expenses.
      The funds for this project can be transferred to the following account of AB SEB Bank: LT41 7044 0600 0284 8638
      Beneficiary’s name: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
      Payment description: Support for students from Ukraine.
      Read more:

      The provided data will not be transferred to third parties and will only be used for the organizational purposes of the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium. The event will be filmed and photographed.

      Registration for participation in the Zoom platform is open until 2022 October 26.
      Please fill the form.

      Please note: one plenary session and discussion will be held in English and there will be a synchronized translation from Lithuanian to English during other sessions.

        I will attend these days:

        The event is free, but those who are willing, are invited to contribute to VMU's support
        to the Ukrainian academic community.

        I would like to know more about suppor to the Ukrainian academic community
        [group Parama-Ukrainai]
        Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is prepared to welcome students and lecturers who are fleeing from war in Ukraine. The received funds are used for scholarships to the Ukrainians who come to study at VMU: the support covers their expenses on studies, accommodation, and settlement. If needed, these funds may also cover the students’ subsistence expenses.
        The funds for this project can be transferred to the following account of AB SEB Bank: LT41 7044 0600 0284 8638
        Beneficiary’s name: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas
        Payment description: Support for students from Ukraine.
        Read more:

        The provided data will not be transferred to third parties and will only be used for the organizational purposes of the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium.