Forms of Freedom in the History of Diasporas What Carries the Light when Darkness Abounds? The Tradition of the University of Lithuania in Lithuania and Exile T...
Vytautas Magnus University invites to participate in the VMU World Lithuanian University Symposium, which will take place in 2022, October 27–29, in Kaunas live...
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the University of Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will host the World Lithuanian University (WLU) Sym...
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the University of Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) will host the World Lithuanian University (WLU) Sym...
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), which has maintained a close relationship with the Lithuanian Diaspora for more than three decades, invited members of world L...
In 2021 October VMU World Lithuanian University organized an online study fair for the Lithuanian diaspora. We kindly invite you to look through the videos of t...
On the 17th of July, the Lithuanian Language and Culture Course (VMU) will once again continue its mission of uniting Lithuanian language enthusiasts from all a...
Vytautas Magnus University Research Cluster “Church Relations with State and Society in Lithuania” is pleased to invite you to the international conference Reli...
VMU Lithuanian Emigration Institute is pleased to invite scholars and researchers to the conference “Diaspora and migration: theoretical approaches and complex ...
Siekiant atkreipti dėmesį į lietuviškosios tapatybės išsaugojimo ir lituanistinio ugdymo situaciją išeivijoje, Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas kartu su LR Švieti...
Moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad vaikas kalbantis daugiau, nei viena kalba, geriau mokosi kitų užsienio kalbų, tad kuo daugiau išmokstama, tuo lengviau mokytis. Man...
Gimtoji kalba – tai kalba, kurią vaikas išmoksta pirmiausia, tarsi savaime, nedėdamas jokių pastangų. Kartais ši kalba vadinama motinos kalba (angl. mother tong...
Nors lituanistiniam švietimui užsienyje skiriama nemažai dėmesio, statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad tik 5–6 proc. lietuvių vaikų išeivijoje sistemingai mokosi lie...
„Mokytoja, aš noriu mokytis lietuvių kalbos, bet man mama neleidžia… Ji sako, kad mano kiti dalykai nukentės… Bet aš labai noriu, ar Jūs galėtumėte pasikalbėti ...
Šiame trumpame filme pasaulio lietuviai dalinasi mintimis apie lietuvių kalbos mokymąsi gyvenant užsienio šalyje ir kelia lietuviškajai tapatybei svarbius klaus...
Lietuvos užsienio reikalų ministerijos duomenimis, šiuo metu pasaulyje už Lietuvos ribų gyvena apie 1,3 mln. lietuvių, taigi—trečdalis tautos. Globalėjančiame p...
Sport in the Lithuanian diaspora has long been and remains a unifying factor for communities, bringing together different generations and overcoming worldview a...
Ten years ago, when the World Lithuanian University (WLU) began its activities, the WLU journal edited by Mykolas Drungas was released. This year, commemorating...
Still no plan for the summer? 😱 No worries – we’ve got you! 😎 APPLICATION TO LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SUMMER COURSE 2024 IS OPEN! ☀️— R...
VMU Vytautas Kavolis Interdisciplinary Professorship welcomed Martín Parselis, a guest of the Dana Gedvila Fund, who is a technology scholar, educator, a...
Miglė, who is currently studying in Kaunas, recently lived in Ireland. The country where she spent fifteen years of her life was a place she liked, but the conn...
Paula’s parents moved to Ireland several years ago after receiving a job offer. They didn’t plan to stay for long, but life unfolded in such a way t...
Having returned from Ireland to study in Lithuania, Rokas Garliauskas shares his story about how he decided to study in Lithuania, reflects on his Lithuanian id...
Lina Kukytė, a student of VMU Comparative Culture Studies living in Singapore, shares how she chose her field what she expected from the studies. Lina mentions ...
For the fourth consecutive year, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) invites everyone to actively explore the Lithuanian diaspora throughout October – its history,...